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Certified Local Government Grant Program
One of the greatest benefits of the Certified Local Government (CLG) program is that participating communities in good standing are eligible to apply for yearly grants from SHPO, which can be used for a variety of local preservation planning, documentation, education, and rehabilitation ("bricks and mortar") projects. These grants are set aside exclusively for communities in the CLG program. Non-profits and public entities within a CLG community can also access the funding.
Funding for CLG grants comes, in part, from the U.S. Department of the Interior's Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), administered by the National Park Service. Every year, SHPO provides at least 10% of its annual allocation from the HPF to support CLGs and their partners through these grants, which have been successfully used by communities across the state to jumpstart or supplement local preservation activities and often serves as a catalyst for additional investment.
Only active CLGs may apply for grant funding. CLGs must be in good standing with SHPO to be eligible for grant funding. A CLG may also elect to partner with a non-profit organization or public entity within its boundaries on a grant application.
A list of current CLGs can be found here.
Any additional community that becomes a participant in the CLG program before the application due date for a particular grant cycle also becomes an eligible applicant.
Michigan SHPO provides grant funds to CLGs in two broad categories of projects, described briefly below.
Only properties owned by the CLG (i.e., the local unit of government), a non-profit organization, or other public entity are eligible for these categories.
Grant funds can be used for a variety of preservation planning, documentation, and education projects that enhance the ability of the CLG to move forward its preservation program and identify, evaluate, plan for, protect, and celebrate important historic resources in the community. Creative projects and those that benefit multiple CLGs are encouraged.
Eligible project activities include but are not limited to: