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RRC Best Practices Online
A core tenent of becoming and maintaining a Redevelopment Ready Communities designation is to encourage and provide ongoing training opportunities. Completing the RRC Best Practices training series is also a requirement for engaging in the process intially. At all times, at least one staff or official from an RRC community must have training credit.
To help make training as accessible as possible, RRC offers three options:
MiPlace eLearning is a free, online learning system available to any staff, official or local stakeholder. Accessing training through this system allows a more casual, at-your-own-pace training experience that can be completed at any time of day and from anywhere with a good internet connection. To request access to the RRC Best Practices, click below.
For detailed information/instructions, check out the RRC eLearning User Guide.
Local officials change seats frequently and have so much on their plates. The RRC Virtual Academy provides an opportunity to learn the basics about Redevelopment Ready Communities and how your community can benefit from being engaged in RRC and pursuing the Essentials or Certified path. Join us for a free training opportunity and learn more about RRC!
In person trainings happen throughout the year and include the Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRC) Best Practice Series, RRC regional workshops, Small Business events, and others as needs are identified. In person trainings offer a chance to not only learn valuable material but also network with other staff and officials from communities throughout Michigan.
At this time, RRC is not offering in-person training. When this changes, we will update this page. For information on other training resources, visit our Training and Events Calendar.