Minutes of the State Historic Preservation Review Board Meeting
February 23, 2018, 10:00 A.M.
Lower Level Rooms 235-335, Michigan State Housing Development Authority
735 East Michigan Avenue, Lansing, Michigan
Rhonda Baker, Kemba Braynon, Misty Jackson, Janet Kreger, Krysta Ryzewski, Grace A. M. Smit
Sally Bund, Dale Gyure, Brian Rebain
Dean Anderson, Amy Arnold, Laura Ashlee, Brian Grennell, Kara Hart-Negrich, Deborah Johnson, Katie Kolokithas, Martha MacFarlane-Faes, Kevin Stone, Todd Walsh
Cheryl Chidester (Warden House LHD), Carol Fink, Gina Gregory (Apple Island), Rob Gregory (Apple Island), Dr. Gerald Hill (Apple Island), Bill Rutter (Charlotte CHD), Mark Hoock (Apple Island), Glen King (Apple Island), Karen Phishie (Apple Island), Steve Waldrop (Waldrop v. Detroit HDC)
MacFarlane-Faes, serving as secretary to the board in place of Brian Conway, called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.
MacFarlane-Faes noted the reappointment of Baker, and the appointment of Kreger (in place of Ted Ligibel).
MacFarlane-Faes indicated the board needed to elect a temporary chairperson by vote. Smith offered to serve as temporary chair.
Baker moved approval of the agenda
Jackson supported the motion
Vote: 6-0
Baker moved approval of the agenda
Braynon supported the motion
Vote: 6-0
Jackson moved approval of the minutes
Baker supported the motion
Vote: 6-0
- Mollie Olinyk gave birth to her new baby boy, Robin Olinyk on February 9th.
- Bethany Berdes resigned from SHPO earlier this year. She has been replaced by Kevin Stone, a contractor through Kelly Services.
- We are in the process of hiring student assistants in the Designation and Section 106 program areas.
- Ken Gergely was recently hired on as a tax credit assistant, but left the position due to being offered a full-time position with the National Park Service at River Raisin Battlefield in Monroe. We are currently in the process of refilling his position.
- Local Sexton High School student, Martisha Suttles, is co-op student working with SHPO. She is supervised by Katie Kolokithas.
- The National Register Coordinator position is currently on hold.
- Kreger asked how far the previous process had proceeded. MacFarlane-Faes stated that interviews were held, but a technical matter has delayed the process.
- The SHPO’s new database, MISHPO, will be going live in April. We are not expecting everyone to use it immediately. Diane Tuinstra and Katie Kolokithas present the new system at the Michigan Historic Preservatio Network Annual Conference in May 2018.
- The Holy Family Orphanage is currently in the application process for the Secretary’s Award for Excellence. The application for it will be submitted on Monday, February 26, 2018.
- The first public meeting for the Civil Rights project in Detroit will be held in late March. Related to that project, Amy Arnold submitted a Letter of Intent for additional grant funds through the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Theses funds would expand the scope of the NPS-funded project.
- Bryan Lijewski attended the Maritime Heritage Conference in New Orleans. He presented on the four lighthouse grants discussed at the previous board meeting. The grants are expected to be completed July 2018, with reports expected in May – June.
- Lijewski will also be attending the International Lighthouse Conference in Mackinaw Island in May. The conference is organized by the Michigan Lighthouse Alliance. The scope of the conference is going to be expanded for an international audience.
- Three Certified Local Government grant applications were submitted this year. They are currently under review.
- Deborah Johnson has recently taken over coordination of SHPO easements. She has been doing a great job so far.
- Anderson informs the board that the archaeology department has received funding on the Sanilac Petroglyphs. At the time of this recording, two rounds of money have been received so far, with the second round receiving more money. The third round of funding should be coming soon. Kreger inquired with Anderson if part of the grant will allow public access to the site. Anderson explained that is currently open to the public between Memorial Day and Labor Day, thanks to extensive work with the Saginaw Chippewa.
- Last year’s Archaeology Day was very well received and attended with over one thousand people in attendance. Anderson believed the advertising and promotion done had a lot to do with it.
- This year’s Archaeology Day will be on October 13th, at the usual location from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with the same arrangement with the Michigan Historic Center as last year.
- In the world of outreach, Anderson and Jessica Yaan went to present at this year’s DNR event. There were over six hundred people in attendance and seventy-five people in the room for their presentation.
- Anderson displayed annual Archaeology Poster. The subject of the poster being the Tuskegee Airman trained at Selfridge. In April 1944 Lieutenant Frank Moody crashed his plane during a training mission in Lake Huron. On April 11, 2014, seventy years later, the remains of his plane were found and Moody was contacted. The site has since become documented and discussed with the Tuskegee Airmen National Museum.
- Walsh stated that he spoke with former board member and past chairperson, Ted Ligibel, about his removal from the board. Ligibel had not yet been informed of this. He relayed hellos and goodbyes through Walsh, and said he was very appreciative for the contributions of the board members, and for his service.
- Walsh distributed an example of the new National Register certificate that he and Laura Ashlee have been working on. The certificates were established in October 2017, and will be provided to newly-listed sites.
- Walsh distributed the SHPO Style Sheet he and Ashlee have also been working together on, and thanked Ashlee for all of her hard work. Walsh noted that Brian Conway has approved the Style Sheet. The Style Sheet is for above-ground narrative texts, and will not apply to underground sites. The sheet will be available to view on SHPO’s website.
- A number of sites need to be delisted from the National Register. Walsh discussed the options for delisting a site, and asked the board for their thoughts on the delisting process. Walsh noted that some sites carry significant sentimental attachment. Jackson suggested that if the properties are as important as the old Tiger Stadium site, an opportunity for public comment would be beneficial. Kreger then inquired if there was a downside to not talking to the public about delisting a site.
- Anderson informed the board that some of those sites could be eligible archaeological sites, to which Walsh agreed, but stressed that listing them as such would require a whole new process. MacFarlane-Faes suggested using caution with the delisting process as some of these sites are a form of civic pride (i.e. Tiger Stadium). Walsh said that in the case of specific districts, the delisting of the site would be listed in the local newspaper. Jackson suggested notifying public officials, which Walsh and Kreger both agreed with. Jackson suggested archaeological potential be considered when pursuing delisting. Kreger suggested talking with other state historical commissions for suggestions. Walsh agreed that the issue needs to be pursed, albeit carefully.
- Walsh provided updates on the status of several nominations currently in process.
Site: Apple Island Historic Archeological Site, Orchard Lake Village, Oakland County
Presented by: Mark Hoock
Moved for Approval: Jackson
Seconded: Ryzewski
Vote: 6-0
Criteria: A and D
Level of Significance: Local
Smith inquired as to why the Ward House was not included in nomination document. Ryzewski and Kreger stated that the story of the site could be greatly expanded upon. Kreger asked what happened to the the buildings. Hoock stated that the various buildings met with different fates. Some fell victim to a lack of care and exposure to the elements, and others were moved. Kreger also suggested that the discussion of Native American occupation be developed further. Jackson suggested that the nomination be elevated to the State level of significance. Walsh stated that the process of doing so would necessitate a statewide context, and that the nomination can be updated down the line, if someone wanted to take that on. Kreger stated that a correction needs to be made on map on page 52 – there are two number “5” sites. One should listed as site number “6.” Smith asked why the Ward House was listed as a non-contributing resource, and suggested that it be changed to contributing, as it demonstrates the end of the Period of Significance. Jackson asked whether the fruit trees should be listed as contributing elements, and asked about remnants of the historical apple orchards. Gregory stated that all of the orchard trees are gone. Jackson also suggested that a botanical survey be done. Gregory stated that such a survey was previously conducted.
Site: Charlotte Central Historic District, Charlotte, Eaton County
Presented by: Bill Rutter
Moved for Approval: Braynon
Seconded: Kreger
Vote: 6-0
Criteria: A and C
Level of Significance: Local
Smith noted that the beginning date of the Period of Significance needs to be changed to reflect the date of the the construction of the courthouse, which preceded the current POS date. Kreger noted that the narrative text should include a discussion of the viewsheds within the district. Kreger also stated that the narrative text should also discuss the mature vegetation, the parks, and the high level of integrity of the district as a whole.
Amy Arnold, Preservation Planner
Cass Henry Local Historic District, Detroit.
The Board had no additional comments.
Warden House Historic District, Green Oak Township
The Board had no additional comments.
Delist 839 W. Wattles, Troy
Kreger inquired if there is a document detailing the delisting. Arnold informs her there is. The Board had no additional comments.
Kara Hart-Negrich, Staff Attorney
Signature Authority for Board Chair
Moved for Approval: Kreger
Seconded: Baker
Vote: 6-0
Signature Authority for Counsel
Moved for Approval: Braynon
Seconded: Ryzewski
Vote: 6-0
Reyers v. Grand Rapids Historic District Commission
Baker recused herself and left the meeting room.
Moved for Approval: Kreger
Seconded: Braynon
Vote: 5-0
Waldrop v. Detroit Historic District Commission
Moved for Approval: Baker
Seconded: Braynon
Vote: 6-0
Smith noted Ligibel's past service to the review board and called for a motion to draft an expression of the board's gratitude to be presented to Ligibel.
Moved for Approval:
Vote: 6-0
May 11, 2018; September 14, 2018; January 18, 2019
Moved for Approval: Jackson
Seconded: Ryzewski
Vote: 6-0
Motion to adjourn: Ryzewski
Seconded: Kreger
Vote: 6-0
Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm
Prepared by Kevin Stone